"D:\Program Files\SASHome9.4\SASFoundation\9.4\sas.exe" -CONFIG "d:\Program Files\SASHome9.4\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\zh\sasv9.cfg"
option encoding='utf-8';
WARNING 30-12: SAS option ENCODING is valid only at startup of the SAS System. The SAS option is ignored.
%put &sysencoding; *or; data _null_; val=GETOPTION('encoding'); put val=; run;
options validvarname=any; FILENAME nls "X:\job\test1.csv" ENCODING="utf-8"; PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.TEST2 DATAFILE= nls DBMS=CSV REPLACE; GETNAMES=YES; DATAROW=2; RUN;
FILENAME export "X:\job\test2.csv" ENCODING="utf-8"; PROC EXPORT DATA= TEST2 OUTFILE= export DBMS=csv REPLACE; RUN;
This example creates a SAS data set from an external file. The external file’s encoding is in UTF-8, and the current SAS session encoding is Wlatin1. By default, SAS assumes that the external file is in the same encoding as the session encoding, which causes the character data to be written to the new SAS data set incorrectly.To tell SAS what encoding to use when reading the external file, specify the ENCODING= option. When you tell SAS that the external file is in UTF-8, SAS then transcodes the external file from UTF-8 to the current session encoding when writing to the new SAS data set. Therefore, the data is written to the new data set correctly in Wlatin1.
比如转换SAS dataset的编码,
*转换整个目录; libname inlib cvp 'c:\temp'; libname outlib 'c:\' outencoding='UTF-8'; proc copy noclone in=inlib out=outlib; run; *转换指定数据库 libname inlib cvp 'c:\temp'; libname outlib 'c:\' outencoding='UTF-8'; proc copy noclone in=inlib out=outlib; select dataset_name; run;