PostgreSQL提供了一个tablefunc 模块,内置了多个函数,其中就有crosstab(交叉表,又叫行转列,或者长表转宽表),具体使用参见PostgreSQL文档(中文,英文)。
-- PL/pgSQL code to create pivot tables with automatic column names -- Eric Minikel, - 2013-03-19 -- prerequisite: install the tablefunc module create extension tablefunc; -- tablename: name of source table you want to pivot -- rowc: the name of the column in source table you want to be the rows -- colc: the name of the column in source table you want to be the columns -- cellc: an aggregate expression determining how the cell values will be created -- celldatatype: desired data type for the cells create or replace function pivotcode (tablename varchar, rowc varchar, colc varchar, cellc varchar, celldatatype varchar) returns varchar language plpgsql as $$ declare dynsql1 varchar; dynsql2 varchar; columnlist varchar; begin -- 1. retrieve list of column names. dynsql1 = 'select string_agg(distinct ''_''||'||colc||'||'' '||celldatatype||''','','' order by ''_''||'||colc||'||'' '||celldatatype||''') from '||tablename||';'; execute dynsql1 into columnlist; -- 2. set up the crosstab query dynsql2 = 'select * from crosstab ( ''select '||rowc||','||colc||','||cellc||' from '||tablename||' group by 1,2 order by 1,2'', ''select distinct '||colc||' from '||tablename||' order by 1'' ) as newtable ( '||rowc||' varchar,'||columnlist||' );'; return dynsql2; end $$
- 如果返回的列有空格,需要自己手工修改
- 可能会有大量的Null值,而不是0
- 返回的是一个SQL,你需要copy出来后自己再执行(虽然也可以改进下,直接生成表)
下面这个plpython函数,pivotmytable,可以很好地解决上面的问题,python 2和python3(只需讲函数里的plpythonu替换为plpython3u即可)均支持,
/* pivotMyTable An improved crosstab function for PostgreSQL. Copyright 2014 Jorge Tornero Nunez pivotMyTable is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pivotMyTable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pivotMyTable. If not, see <>. FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ==================== pivotMyTablee is a PL/Python function for use in PostgreSQL servers. Its aim is to get crosstab/pivoted tables in a more friendly way that PostgreSQL module tablefunc does with its crosstab series functions and in fact it behaves in the end as a proxy for tablefunc functions. pivotMyTablee makes it possible in the same way that other available solutions, automating the creation the queries that the tablefunc crosstab functions need to work. Also, pivotMyTablee makes possible to directly get percentages, as well as get rid of null values in the oputput tables. FUNCTION PARAMETERS/OPTIONS =========================== input_table (varchar): Name of the table to get data to pivot. output_table(varchar): Name for the output table. group_fields(varchar): Name of the column(s) for categorizing the data. Unlike the native tablefunc module functions crosstab, it accepts multiple columns. pivot_field(varchar): Column to be pivoted, must be a single column. value_field(varchar): Data to aggregate for the pivot field. It is expected for value_field to be a numeric (int, float, etc) field. agg_func(varchar): Aggregate function to apply to the data from value_field. It must be specified without brackets. It's user responsability to check for function/data type compatibility and resulting data. So far it has been tested with sum. as_percentage(bool): This option enables the output as percentage of each output columns over its overall sum BY ROW. It defaults to FALSE, so to enable percentage calculation set it to TRUE. sort_order(varchar): This option enables sorting the resulting pivoted columns. You can specify 'asc', 'desc'. It defaults to 'no_sorting' drop_ex_tbl (boolean): pivotMyTablee checks if the output table specified with the parameter output_table exists before further processing. Setting this option to TRUE makes possible to automatically drop the existing table. By default, drop_ex_tbl is set to FALSE so the function exists with a warning if output_table already exists in the database. as_view (boolean): This option enables the output to a view instead of to a table. To enable view output, set it to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pivotmytable (input_table varchar, output_table varchar, group_fields varchar, pivot_field varchar, value_field varchar, agg_func varchar, as_percentage bool default false, sort_order varchar default 'no_sorting', drop_ex_tbl boolean default false, as_view boolean default false) RETURNS varchar LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ """Function pivotMyTable""" import math # Time to check if input_table,group_fields, pivot_field and value_field parameters are OK tablesQuery = plpy.execute("select relname table_name from pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables") tableList = [tablename["table_name"] for tablename in tablesQuery] inputTableColumnsQuery = plpy.execute("select attname column_name from pg_attribute where attrelid = (current_schema()||'.'||'%s')::regclass and attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped" %input_table.replace(" ","")) inputTableColumnsList = [col["column_name"] for col in inputTableColumnsQuery] if input_table.replace(" ","") not in tableList: return "Your input table %s does not exist. Please check and try again." %input_table for parameter in group_fields.split(','): if parameter.replace(" ", "") not in inputTableColumnsList: return ("The column %s specified in group_fields does not exist in the table %s. Please check and try again." %(parameter,input_table)) if pivot_field.replace(" ","") not in inputTableColumnsList: return ("The column %s specified in group_field does not exist in the table %s. Please check and try again." %(pivot_field,input_table)) if value_field.replace(" ","") not in inputTableColumnsList: return ("The column %s specified in value_field does not exist in the table %s. Please check and try again." %(value_field,input_table)) # Checking for percentage and aggregate function compatibility if agg_func.replace(" ","") not in ('sum','count','avg'): return "Aggregate function %s is not compatible/tested. Aborting" %agg_func if as_percentage and (agg_func.replace(" ","")!='sum'): return "Percentage calculation and aggregate function %s are not compatible. Aborting" %agg_func # Checks if the output table name already exists in the database if as_view: table_type = 'view' else: table_type = 'table' if (output_table.replace(" ","") in tableList): if (drop_ex_tbl): plpy.execute("drop %s %s" %(table_type, output_table)) else: return ("The %s %s already exists in the database. Please check and try again." %(table_type, output_table)) # Management of sort order parameter if sort_order.replace(" ","") == 'asc': ordering="(select %s, %s(%s) as ordervalue from %s group by %s order by 2 asc) as t2"%(pivot_field,agg_func,value_field,input_table,pivot_field) elif sort_order.replace(" ","") == 'desc': ordering="(select %s, %s(%s) as ordervalue from %s group by %s order by 2 desc) as t2"%(pivot_field,agg_func,value_field,input_table,pivot_field) elif sort_order.replace(" ","") == 'no_sorting': ordering="(select distinct %s from %s order by 1) as t2"%(pivot_field,input_table) else: return "Wrong sort parameter specification. It must be 'asc', 'desc' or no. Please check and try again." # GATHERING OF THE PIVOTED COLUMN NAMES AND THEIR DATA TYPES. # First we get the names of the destination fields, which are the values present in # the pivot_field column destColumns = plpy.execute("select %s as columns from %s " %(pivot_field, ordering)) # We need this for the final field splitting destColumns2 = plpy.execute("select distinct %s as column from %s order by 1" %(pivot_field,input_table)) # Now we get the column type. Because all the output pivoted columns # will have the same data type than input columns, its definition is # simple in the case of integer/double columns, but for numeric columns # we need to get both the precision (number of decimals) and the maximum # value of its aggregate, to prevent overflows when aggregating the data # First we make the query to pg_attribute to get columns details. columnPropertiesQuery = plpy.execute("SELECT atttypid::regtype AS data_type, CASE WHEN atttypid IN (21, 23, 20) THEN 0 WHEN atttypid IN (1700) THEN CASE WHEN atttypmod = -1 THEN null ELSE (atttypmod - 4) & 65535 END ELSE null END AS numeric_scale from pg_attribute where attrelid = (current_schema()||'.'||'%s')::regclass and attname = '%s' and attnum > 0 and not attisdropped" %(input_table.replace(" ",""),value_field.replace(" ",""))) # Due to the nature of the PLyResult object returned by plpy.execute, # getting the columns properties is a little tricky columnProperties = [property for property in columnPropertiesQuery] columnType = columnProperties[0]["data_type"] columnScale = columnProperties[0]["numeric_scale"] # Because the percentage values range from 0 to 1, # we need to make room for more decimal numbers for # precision not be lost if as_percentage: fieldType = "numeric(6,5)" else: if columnType == 'numeric' or agg_func =='avg': if columnScale == None: columnScale = 8 maxFieldValue = plpy.execute("select %s(%s) as agg_funcres from %s" %(agg_func, value_field,input_table)) magnitudeOrder = math.log10(maxFieldValue[0]["agg_funcres"]) numericFieldWidth = magnitudeOrder + columnScale + 1 fieldType = ("numeric(%i, %i)" %(numericFieldWidth, columnScale)) elif columnType in ('bigint','smallint','integer','real','double precision'): fieldType = columnType else: return "Your pivot column %s is not of a numeric type. Please check and try again." %pivot_field flds = ['"%s" %s'%(destColumn["column"],fieldType) for destColumn in destColumns2] fields = ','.join(flds) gfields=group_fields.replace(" ","").split(',') groupingColumns=list() idx=1 for field in gfields: columnType = plpy.execute("SELECT format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) AS data_type from pg_attribute where attrelid = (current_schema()||'.'||'%s')::regclass and attname = '%s' and attnum > 0 and not attisdropped" %(input_table.replace(" ",""),field.replace(" ",""))) tc=[columna["data_type"] for columna in columnType] # We need this to recover the grouped fields after crosstab execution nc = ("split_part(trim(joinedcols,'()'),',',%i)::%s as %s" %(idx,tc[0],field)) groupingColumns.append (nc) idx += 1 groupingColumns=','.join(groupingColumns) # Construction of the queries to be passed to crosstab function if as_percentage: # If we want percentages instead of absolute values, we need to # create a new table with the percentages, and the queries # that are passed to crosstab funcion are silightly different # Notice the use of row(), that makes possible to have crosstabs # grouped by more than one single field, but to this to be done, # we have had to do a lot of tricks before (see the use of # split_part above) groupbyclause=group_fields + ',' + value_field plpy.execute("""create temporary table intertable as (select %s,%s,%s/%s(%s::numeric) over (partition by %s) as percentages from %s group by %s,%s,%s order by %s)""" %(group_fields,pivot_field,value_field,agg_func,value_field,group_fields,input_table,group_fields,pivot_field,value_field,group_fields)) firstQuery=("""select distinct row(%s),%s,%s(percentages) from intertable group by %s,%s order by 1,2""" %(group_fields,pivot_field,agg_func,group_fields,pivot_field)) secondQuery = ("select distinct %s from intertable order by 1" %(pivot_field)) else: # For absolute values, the queries passed to crosstab are simpler aggrfun=("%s(%s)" %(agg_func,value_field)) groupbyclause=group_fields firstQuery=("select distinct row(%s),%s,%s from %s group by %s,%s order by 1,2" %(group_fields,pivot_field,aggrfun,input_table,groupbyclause,pivot_field)) secondQuery = ("select distinct %s from %s order by 1" %(pivot_field,input_table)) # We create the sentence for output fields for crosstab crossTabQuery = ("joinedcols varchar,%s"%(fields)) # This trick makes possible to get rid of the null values in the pivoted tables. # TODO: Consider to make it optional, with a parameter for it. replaceZeros = ['coalesce("{0}",0) as "{0}"'.format(destColumn["columns"]) for destColumn in destColumns] replaze0 = ','.join(replaceZeros) # And now, we put everything together and execute the query finalQuery = ("create %s %s as (select %s,%s from crosstab('%s','%s') as newtable(%s))" %(table_type,output_table,groupingColumns,replaze0,firstQuery,secondQuery,crossTabQuery)) plpy.execute(finalQuery) # A little cleanup may be necessary if as_percentage: pass plpy.execute("drop table intertable") return "Your pivoted %s %s has been created." %(table_type, output_table.replace(" ","")) $$;